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Formation en culture et en éthique d'entreprise

Pour être efficace, un programme d’éthique et de conformité doit non seulement respecter la loi, mais également s’aligner sur la culture de l’entreprise et la soutenir, ainsi que ses missions, objectifs, traditions et normes. Créer une culture de l’éthique constitue désormais la priorité des entreprises de toutes tailles dans le monde entier.


Nous vous aidons à élaborer et à maintenir une culture organisationnelle solide fondée sur l'éthique et le respect

La culture l’emporte sur la conformité. Nous vous aidons à poser les fondements dont vous avez besoin pour garantir que votre culture organisationnelle appuie les objectifs de votre programme de conformité, au lieu de les saper.

Ten Steps to Create an Organizational Culture of Ethics, Integrity & Compliance

What You Need

Code of Conduct

An engaging code of conduct that conveys your company’s values, expectations and key messages.


Processes in place for managers to handle open door reports and employee complaints.

Policy Management

A system that ensures your employees read and sign your corporate policies, including your code of ethics.


A multi-year, risk-based and engaging training plan for employees and managers that changes behavior.

Safe Way to Speak Up

A secure and anonymous channel through which employees and third parties can report concerns.


An assessment of your current culture which includes employee feedback.

Report Management

Tracking of reported incidents of misconduct so you spot issues early and address them head-on.


Ongoing reminders to keep your compliance program top of mind, including posters with your hotline number.

Steps You Can Take to Build an Ethical Culture

Step 1

Define your culture by creating a strong Code of Conduct that engages and inspires employees. Make sure all employees read, attest to, and fully embrace your code from the top down with a policy management system.

Step 2

Ensure you are capturing potential issues and handling them in an appropriate way with an externally hosted hotline and incident management system.

Step 3

Teach all your employees what an ideal culture looks like – especially your board and executives - and present real-world scenarios to inform them on how to act in ethical situations with engaging online training.