09:00 - 09:15 Introduction: The New GRC Opportunity for Professional Services
Whistleblowing expert, Jan Stappers, will highlight the business opportunities for professional services organisations to leverage the new EU whistleblowing and human rights regulations to generate new services revenue and to support the on-going compliance of businesses operating in Europe.
09:15 - 09:45 Partner Insights: Providing Whistleblowing Legal Services
Hear from NAVEX professional services partners how they achieved their legal services objectives through partnership. Gain insights into the value and impact of partnering with NAVEX, and how it can benefit your organisation.
09:45 - 10:15 Partner Resources: Leveraging the NAVEX Partner Program
The latest announcements from the NAVEX partner program including a preview of the new risk and compliance solutions and resources available to our partners.
We’ll provide the latest perspective on how GRC technology and services are driving a more holistic view of business risk where data and insights better predict and mitigate risk - and how you can leverage these solutions to develop a broader portfolio of managed legal services.
We share the latest investments made to the program, the sales and marketing tools, resources and support available, and provide you with a blueprint for generating new opportunities to support the integrity and compliance of your clients.
10:15 - 10:30 Q&A Session
We finish the session with a Q&A session where you can join the discussion to learn what others are doing in response to increased GRC regulation and ask your questions to the industry experts.