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Defend your data with NAVEX IT security compliance software

Visualize your IT governance, risk and compliance landscape clearly, keeping IT risks out and critical security up.

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Why IT compliance management stays high on the board’s agenda

Think of IT compliance as an investment in your data, your reputation, and the long-term success of your company. When your systems are secure and compliant, you can: 

  • Safeguard your organization’s lifelines – Protect the sensitive data and intellectual property your business relies on to function 
  • Minimize disruptions – Minimize the risk of breaches, downtime and fallout that can cripple operations 
  • Demonstrate accountability – Build confidence that your IT security program is solid, avoiding regulatory fines and reputational damage 
  • Create a security-focused culture – Clearly communicate IT compliance policies and procedures, empowering employees to be your first line of defense 
  • Show responsibility as an employer – Show you prioritize employee privacy and data protection, fostering trust and confidence in your people
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IT compliance management: what keeps you up at night

Security breaches are a nightmare waiting to happen. Without visibility into your vulnerabilities and a clear plan, it’s not a matter of if you’ll be attacked, but when. With new cyber threats on the horizon, your day-to-day can often feel like you’re already a step behind. 

  • Identifying hidden risks – Playing a constant game of hide and seek with everyday IT issues while struggling to get ahead of major potential security threats  
  • Demonstrating compliance – Saturated with data, but still scrambling to gather evidence and prove you meet complex regulatory standards 
  • Measuring third-party security – Betting your company’s reputation on vital partner operations you have no visibility into 
  • Employee awareness gaps – Knowing your employees aren’t engaging with periodic training and struggling to reeducate risky behaviors 
  • Process uncertainty – Without a complete overview of how you manage IT compliance, you aren’t sure how the business would cope with an incident
See how NAVEX can help
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The proactive IT compliance management checklist

It’s not enough to just react to threats and vulnerabilities. Future-focused IT security leaders take these key steps to stay ahead of the curve: 

  • A centralized risk management view – Get a single view of your IT risk landscape to make informed decisions and prioritize your efforts. 
  • Prioritized threat alerts – Avoid alert overload! Powerful tools can help you quickly identify and focus on the most critical risks to stop attacks before they happen. 
  • Automated compliance workflow tools – Simplify your workflow and ditch time-consuming manual tasks. Focus on security, not paperwork. 
  • Data-driven reporting for security insights – Prove the value of your security program, track progress and justify investments in the tools you need to stay ahead of threats.
See NAVEX solutions

Want to see your entire IT governance, risk and compliance landscape?

Impress your leadership team with data-driven IT risk insights and a clear roadmap for strengthening your data security, all in one platform. We’ll show you how – book a demo today.