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Mid-aged woman with blonde hair and re-orange top standing in front of a navy blue wall.

Your roadmap to exceed board GRC reporting expectations 

Elevate your governance, risk and compliance strategy with a unified, data-driven approach – empowering confident decision-making for your board of directors.

Let’s get started
A male employee with shaved hair and white glasses, wearing a short sleeve white button up shirt, sitting on a blue couch expressively talking to another coworker out of frame.

Your board faces unrelenting GRC reporting pressure

You play a pivotal part in ensuring your organization’s ethical and compliant operations – but it’s tough building a compelling case for GRC investment when showing its worth is an ongoing challenge. 

Here are some questions to ask: 

  • Do you struggle to get the data you desperately need to justify GRC investment to your board? 
  • Are you constantly reacting to issues instead of proactively managing GRC strategy? 
  • Do outdated tools and manual processes leave you scrambling to meet requests for each board meeting? 
  • Is it difficult to demonstrate that training and awareness initiatives are actually supporting compliance? 
  • Does a lack of visibility leave you constantly worried about the risks your board are ultimately responsible for?
See how NAVEX can help

The cost of ineffective governance, risk and compliance

Ineffective GRC management can damage your organization’s finances, reputation and ability to meet board GRC expectations – and just because you don’t have any reports, it doesn’t mean that you won’t in future. Here’s a look at the potential impact:

Two women in professional dress outside a corporate building happily looking at a tablet

Help your leadership team deliver GRC reporting excellence

Meeting your board’s GRC expectations shouldn’t be a constant struggle. The right tools can empower you to confidently address GRC challenges. Start by asking: 

  • Are you wasting valuable time and resources wrangling data into board-ready reports? 
  • Do you struggle to get the holistic data and useful report formats you need to confidently present to the board? 
  • Does a lack of proactive tools leave you feeling like you’re always playing catchup? 
  • Is proving the value of your risk and compliance program a challenge to make the board understand?

Ready to exceed your board’s GRC reporting expectations? 

Achieving board GRC confidence requires the right tools and strategies. Find yours today.