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Meet GDPR Compliance Requirements with NAVEX One

Your employees and customers’ data should be protected. Stay compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) with NAVEX One.

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What is GDPR compliance?

The definition of GDPR compliance is the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). It is the world’s most stringent global privacy and security legislation. Originating from the European Union (EU) and enforced since May 25, 2018, it extends its mandates to organizations worldwide if they handle data about EU residents. The GDPR imposes severe fines on entities breaching its privacy and security protocols, with potential penalties amounting to tens of millions of euros.

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Common GDPR compliance questions

Complying with GDPR is vital to your employees and customers but can be tricky to navigate. Here’s an insight into the inquiries you may face: 

  • How can we ensure our internal processes conform with GDPR reporting requirements and standards? 
  • What methodologies can we use to identify cybersecurity vulnerabilities and reduce the risk of data breaches? 
  • How do we ensure consistent compliance with GDPR training requirements for our staff members over the long term? 
  • What preemptive actions can we implement to oversee adherence to GDPR among our vendors, partners and affiliates?
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The importance of GDPR in an organization

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) stands as a cornerstone in ensuring individuals’ data privacy rights are respected and upheld by organizations. By adhering to GDPR guidelines, organizations can: 

  • Safeguarding personal data and foster trust – Compliance with GDPR demonstrates a commitment to protecting personal data and fostering consumer trust.  
  • Mitigate risks and ensure compliance – GDPR compliance helps organizations mitigate data breaches and non-compliance risks. 
  • Enhance data security measures – Implementing GDPR-compliant data security measures protects employee, customer and stakeholder privacy and strengthens overall data security infrastructure. 
  • Align with stringent data privacy standards – Compliance with GDPR demonstrates your commitment to upholding the highest data privacy standards.

Find out how NAVEX solutions can keep your company data compliant