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Protect what matters with data privacy compliance software

Automate workflows, educate your employees, centralize data and gain the insights you need to align to data privacy requirements worldwide with NAVEX One.

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Are outdated systems holding your data privacy efforts hostage?

You’re the frontline defender of data privacy rights, but outdated systems and scattered information slow you down. Your day-to-day might involve these questions: 

  • Do I know exactly where all our sensitive data is stored – and who has access? 
  • Am I quickly and accurately responding to data subject requests per expected timeframes? 
  • Am I certain we’re meeting all relevant data privacy regulations, from GDPR and CCPA to regional laws? 
  • Do I have a clear picture of our privacy risk exposure? 
  • Is my reporting taking days or even weeks to compile? 
  • Do my employees understand their role in keeping company and customer data safe?
See how NAVEX can help

The high costs of data privacy missteps

Data privacy isn’t just about protecting your organization – it’s about protecting the rights and data of your customers and people. Here’s what you need to know:

two employees working on a solution

Simplify data privacy compliance and minimize data risks

Nobody dreams in spreadsheets – yet. NAVEX One helps you protect data, demonstrate compliance and confidently manage privacy risks so your organization can focus on getting ahead.

  • Get a complete picture of your sensitive data: where it lives, how it flows and how it’s protected
  • Timely updates and guidance mean you can adapt your program quickly, instead of playing catch-up
  • Subject requests don’t derail your day because automated workflows help you respond accurately and on time
  • Requirements and policies are easy for employees to understand and find, with no more second-guessing or scrambling for answers around data privacy
Find out how

Data privacy demands are relentless – get the relief you need

Ditch the endless research, tangled regulations and fear of missing something vital to keeping your data safe. See how NAVEX One brings sanity back to your workday.