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Cybersecurity Risk Management

Employee error is the main cause of cybersecurity breaches. Reduce your risk by prioritising cybersecurity defensive measures throughout your workforce.

Cybersecurity Awareness Toolkit

Managing Cybersecurity, Risk and Compliance

In today’s digital economy, more and more companies are falling victim to massive data breaches. Cybersecurity is not just a technical issue – it’s a business, governance, reputational and performance risk. An integrated GRC program will not only help identify and mitigate cybersecurity risks but also help minimise IT compliance violations and avoid potential threats and vulnerabilities.

Simple human error or bad behaviour is more often the cause of cybersecurity incidents than malicious hacks. Creating firewalls and implementing security software is not enough to reduce the risk facing your organisation in today’s environment. Employee cyber awareness and training are key factors in preventing attacks.

The average cost of a data security breach today is nearly $4 million. At the same time, more than one in six employers worldwide suffered a cyber attack in the past year. In North America, the rate is closer to one in five. Unfortunately, the greatest data security vulnerability within an organisation is its own employees and vendors. Lack of cybersecurity policy awareness and training among employees significantly increases the risk of system intrusion and attack by hackers.

See How Cybersecurity Training Can Help

What You Need


An understanding of compliance and technology’s role in managing risks and ensuring compliance.


Annual training that provides employees with a deeper level of understanding of data security and the cost of a data breach.


A strategy to detect, evaluate and monitor cybersecurity threats and a plan to assist your organisation during a cyber attack.


An ongoing awareness effort to keep cybersecurity top of mind.


A cyber security policy and a way to manage and distribute the policy.

Steps You Can Take to Address Cybersecurity Risks

Step 1

Write a company  cybersecurity policy and clearly communicate it to all employees. The policy sets the foundation to answer the question, “Why does cybersecurity matter?”

Step 2

Obtain programme endorsement from leadership and the C-suite to show employees that cybersecurity is critical to the company’s interests and to protecting its intellectual property.

Step 3

Put an intake method, like a  hotline, in place for employees to report cyber security incidents.

Step 4

Train employees about their role in cybersecurity risks and threats to drive behavioural changes that can make your organisation more cyber secure.