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Responsible Supply Chain Management

With NAVEX ESG Responsible Supply Chain

Part of the  NAVEX ESG Solution

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ESG Risks Exist Outside Your Four Walls

Third parties can pose a risk to your ESG objectives. NAVEX ESG helps you manage supplier contacts, risk profile, and level of engagement. Now, you can be sure your suppliers are aligned to your ESG and compliance goals.

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Protect Your ESG Objectives From Supply Chain Risk

Consolidate Supplier Outreach

Supplier ESG risks are your risks too. NAVEX ESG helps you consolidate supplier information and use standard or custom questionnaires to collect supplier ESG data.

Promote Transparency and Communication

Supplier status is consolidated into a single view, so you know who you’ve reached out to, who’s responded, as well as store the relevant policy documents.

Score Your Suppliers’ ESG Profile

Easily request and compare information from your suppliers including data across social impact, diversity, and environmental KPIs.

Enable Supplier Compliance

Be confident you are compliant with laws governing fair business practices, fair wages, anti-human trafficking measures and child labor.

Mitigate ESG Risk

Obtain a clear view of which suppliers are high, medium, and low risk, and the areas in which risks and opportunities for improvement live - including Scope 3 emissions.

Confidently Act

Centralise assessment answers, corrective actions, and escalations. Use vendor assessments and vendor classification as part of your corrective action processes.

Looking to Get Started with ESG? Access Our Toolkit.